NoPartyIDs error on resend


I am developing a client using quickfix / j generally works well, but I found a problem with the resend when there is a communication error with the Acceptor.

When sending a message like the following:

FIX.4.4 8 = 9 = 228 35 = D 34 = 463 52 = 49 = INITIATOR 20160405-16: 11: 34,226 ACCEPTOR 56 = 11 = 8746340000000002 21 = 3 22 = 4 38 = 2498 40 = 1 44 = 0 48 = ME050007 54 = 2 59 = 0 60 = 20160315-17: 41: 06,000 432 = 20160315 20001 = 0 453 = 2 448 = 3 447 = D 452 = 24 448 = 0000 447 = D 452 = 12 10 = 255

Where the tag 453 has a value of 2 and their associated tags are:

First group:

448 = 3
447 = D
452 = 24

Second group:

448 = 0000 (eg)
447 = D
452 = 12

When communication is restored, the Acceptor ask for resend the request by , however the resend message looks like this:

FIX.4.4 8 = 9 = 231 35 = D 34 = 428 43 = Y 49 = 52 = INITIATOR 20160328-23: 16: 02,215 ACCEPTOR 56 = 122 = 20160328-23: 15: 30 11 = 8746340000000002 21 = 3 22 = 4 38 = 2498 40 = 1 44 = 0 48 = ME050007 54 = 2 59 = 0 60 = 20160315-17: 41: 06,000 432 = 20160315 20001 = 0 453 = 2 448 = 0000 447 = D 452 = 12 10 = 052

The tag 453 still has a value of 2 and the tag 43 appears with “Y” because it is a resend, but only taken considered the second group in the message body, ie 448 = 0000, 447 = D 452 = 12 which invalidates it for processing as the first group is not in the message.

Anyone have any idea what happens in the re-transmission of the message, I appreciate very much your help.